A strategy to win at roulette is a specific move, thought and executed in order to increase the player's chances to win at roulette decreasing the casino's chances. The strategies presented here, have been around for hundreds of years, we didn't invent any of them. So be careful when you hear someone say that they have an infallible strategy for winning at roulette, it simply doesn't exist.
Do not confuse roulette strategy with roulette betting method, they are different things.
A strategy is a game that aims to cover the largest amount of numbers on the roulette table without spending too much and that produces the largest possible winnings in a short period of time.
A betting method, on the other hand, is the way in which the player defines the values of his bets and has nothing to do with the places where the player bets.
To win at roulette using a strategy, it needs to be tested and proven. Without this, there is no way to claim that there is a winning strategy that will always work.
If a player knows how to use the right strategy, losing at roulette will be more difficult. Many players create their own roulette winning strategies and even betting methods. It's a valid procedure and it certainly has its benefits.
What we'll present here are the 16 best-known strategies that are used by professional players and are suitable for any type of roulette with at least 37 numbers.
There is no best strategy to win at roulette. All strategies are good and the player should know the right time to use the right strategy at the right moment.
Remember, there is no roulette strategy that will make you win money for a long time. Betting real money at roulette is always risky and can cause you to lose your money.
TIP: SpinAttack as of version 20, added a feature where the user can apply all these strategies. This new feature shows in detail, how to use each of these strategies and allows the bet values to be changed.